Artigos - PPGEpi

Hartwig FP, Davey Smith G. Comments on the justification of the independence assumption in 'Does cycle commuting reduce the risk of mental ill-health? An instrumental variable analysis using distance to nearest cycle path;. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Jun 12;53(4).

Salci MA, Carreira L, Oliveira NN, Pereira ND, Covre ER, Pesce GB, Oliveira RR, Höring CF, Baccon WC, Puente Alcaraz J, Santos GA, Bolsoni LLM, Gutiérrez Carmona A, Vissoci JRN, Facchini LA, Laranjeira C. Long COVID among Brazilian Adults and Elders 12 Months after Hospital Discharge: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 2024 Jul 19;12(14).

Santos IS, Bierhals IO, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Barros AJ, Munhoz T, Carpena MX, Matijasevich A. Mental health from childhood to adolescence predicts excessive weight and body composition at 18 years. Nutrition. 2024 Jul 3;126:112527.

Souza MLP, Orellana JDY, Jesus FO, Horta BL. The rise in mortality due to intentional self-poisoning by medicines in Brazil between 2003 and 2022: relationship with regional and global crises.Front Public Health. 2024;12:1428674.

Zhang K, Morales D, Chen J, Zhao W, Tang A, Kohn E, Ding D, Ramirez Varela A, Pratt M, Hallal PC. The Evolution of Physical Activity and Health Research in China: A Bibliometric Analysis of Study Areas and Sex Balance in Authorship. J Phys Act Health. 2024 Jun 13:1-5

Wendt A, Bielemann RM, Wehrmeister FC, Ricardo LIC, Müller WA, Machado AKF, da Cruz MF, Bertoldi AD, Brage S, Ekelund U, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Crochemore-Silva I. Is rest-activity rhythm prospectively associated with all-cause mortality in older people regardless of sleep and physical activity level? The 'Como Vai?' Cohort study. PLoS One. 2024 Feb 16;19(2):e0298031. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.. eCollection 2024.

Wehrmeister FC, Ferreira LZ, Amouzou A, Blumenberg C, Fayé C, Ricardo LIC, Maiga A, Vidaletti LP, Melesse DY, Costa JC, Blanchard AK, Barros AJD, Boerma T. Identifying and Characterizing the Poorest Urban Population Using National Household Surveys in 38 Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa. J Urban Health. 2024 Jan 9;9(10):023-00805.

Viegas da Silva E, Hartwig FP, Yousafzai A, Bertoldi AD, Murray J. The effects of a large-scale home visiting programme for child development on use of health services in Brazil. Health Policy Plan. 2024 Feb 29;29(10).

Tovo-Rodrigues, L., Camerini, L., Martins-Silva, T. et al. Gene – maltreatment interplay in adult ADHD symptoms: main role of a gene–environment correlation effect in a Brazilian population longitudinal study. Mol Psychiatry (2024)

Soares PSM, Wehrmeister FC, Menezes AM, Gonçalves H, Horta B, Motta J, Hartwig F. Investigating changes in IQ scores over a decade in Brazil: factors at play. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 19;19(10):024-02623.

Soares PSM, de Barros AJD, Dos Santos I, Matijasevich A, Wehrmeister FC, Menezes AMB, Gonçalves H, Hartwig FP. Maternal mental health and offspring's IQ: Evidence from two Brazilian birth cohorts. J Affect Disord. 2024 Jan 19;19(24):00180-0.

Silva LSD, Menezes AMB, Barros FC, Wehrmeister FC, Silva H, Horta BL. [Association between birth conditions and bone mineral density in adults from the 1982 and 1993 birth cohorts in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil]. Cad Saude Publica. 2024 Mar 11;40(3):e00085523. doi: 10.1590/0102-311XPT085523. eCollection 2024.

Santos TM, Cata-Preta BO, Wendt A, Arroyave L, Blumenberg C, Mengistu T, Hogan DR, Victora CG, Barros AJD. Exploring the "Urban Advantage" in Access to Immunization Services: A Comparison of Zero-Dose Prevalence Between Rural, and Poor and Non-poor Urban Households Across 97 Low- and Middle-Income Countries. J Urban Health. 2024 May 20.

Santos IS, Echevarria P, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Matijasevich A, Domingues MR, Hallal PC. Are nocturnal awakenings at age 1 predictive of sleep duration and efficiency at age 6: Results from two birth cohorts. Sleep Med X. 2024 Dec Jan 19;7:100105.(doi):10.1016/j.sleepx.2024.100105. eCollection 2024 Dec.

Santos IS, Bierhals IO, Costa CS, Matijasevich A, Tovo-Rodrigues L. Variation in ultra-processed food consumption from 6 to 15years, body weight and body composition at 15years of age at The Pelotas 2004 Birth Cohort. Pediatric obesity. 2024 Jan 31;31(10):13104.

Ramirez Varela A, Hallal PC. Does every move really count towards better health? The Lancet Global health. 2024 Jun 25.

Rabelo-da-Ponte FD, Marchionatti LE, Watts D, Roza TH, Amoretti S, Barros FC, Wehrmeister FC, Gonçalves H, AM BM, Kunz M, Kapczinski F, Passos IC. Premorbid intelligence quotient and school failure as risk markers for bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. J Psychiatr Res. 2024 Nov 18;169:160-165.(doi):10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.11.018.

Pratt M, Ramírez Varela A, Hallal PC. Celebrating 10 Years of the Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! J Phys Act Health. 2024 Apr 15;15:1-2.

Pires ALC, Costa FDS, D'Ávila O P, Carvalho RV, Conde MCM, Correa MB, Demarco FF, Chisini LA. Contextual inequalities in specialized dental public health care in Brazil. Braz Oral Res. 2024 Apr 5;38:e023.(doi):10.1590/807-3107bor-2024.vol38.0023. eCollection 2024.

Oyeyemi AL, Ramirez Varela A, Lambert EV, Kohn ER, Hallal PC, Pratt M. An Overview of Physical Activity Research Evolution in Africa: The Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! J Phys Act Health. 2024 Feb 27;27:1-11.

Oliveira LM, Zanatta FB, Costa SA, Pelissari TR, Baumeister SE, Demarco FF, Nascimento GG. The Alcohol Harm Paradox in Periodontitis. J Dent Res. 2024 Apr 12;12(220345241235614):00220345241235614.

Oliveira LM, Demarco FF, Zanatta FB. Educational inequalities and alcohol-related consequences in Brazil. Alcohol Alcohol. 2024 Mar 16;59(3).

Norris SA, Nyati LH, Murphy-Alford A, Lucas N, Santos IS, Costa CS, Kuriyan R, Wickranasinghe VP, Ariff S, Jayasinghe S, Kurpad AV, Ismail LC, Hills AP. Infant growth and body composition from birth to 24 months: are infants developing the same? Eur J Clin Nutr. 2024 Jan 3;3(10):023-01386.

Murray J, Martins RC, Greenland M, Cruz S, Altafim E, Arteche AX, Cooper PJ, Domingues MR, Gonzalez A, Kramer Fiala Machado A, Murray L, Oliveira I, Santos I, Soares TB, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Voysey M. Effects of Two Early Parenting Programmes on Child Aggression and Risk for Violence in Brazil: a Randomised Controlled Trial. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research. 2024 Jul 2.

Murray J, Leão OAA, Flores TR, Demarco FF, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Oliveira IO, Arteche A, Blumenberg C, Bertoldi AD, Domingues MR, Silveira MF, Hallal PC. Cohort Profile Update: 2015 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Studyfollow-ups from 2 to 6-7 years, with COVID-19 impact assessment. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 11;53(3):dyae048. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyae048.

Mejía Grueso J, Pratt M, Resendiz E, Salvo D, Niño Cruz GI, Ruiz Gómez NY, Leandro Gómez RA, Revuelta Sánchez I, Araya Vargas GA, Ochoa Avilés AM, Pérez Tasigchana RF, Jáuregui A, Hallal PC, Varela AR. Physical Activity Policies at National and Subnational Levels: A Study in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Mexico. J Phys Act Health. 2024;10:1-13

Maruyama JM, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Santos IS, Murray J, Matijasevich A. Adolescent Mental Health Before and During COVID-19: Longitudinal Evidence From the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort in Brazil. J Adolesc Health. 2024 Feb 2;2(23):00548-7.

Kohn ER, Hallal PC, Niño-Cruz GI, Almentero J, Pinzón D, Böhlke M, Siefken K, Pratt M, Ramirez-Varela A. Gender Differences in Physical Activity and Health-Related Authorships Between 1950 and 2019. J Phys Act Health. 2024 Mar 26;26:1-7.

Karam SA, Schuch HS, Demarco FF, Horta BL, Borrell LN, Celeste RK, Correa MB. Differential effect of social mobility on tooth loss by race in adulthood: 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2024 May 22.

Jorge ACR, Montezano BB, de Aguiar KR, Noronha LT, Baldez DP, Watts D, Menezes AMB, Wehrmeister FC, Gonçalves H, Kunz M, Kapczinski F, Passos IC. Early exposure to cannabis and bipolar disorder incidence: Findings from a 22-year birth cohort study in Brazil. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2024 Apr;149(4):340-9. doi: 10.1111/acps.13670. Epub 2024 Feb 20.

Johns NE, Blumenberg C, Kirkby K, Allorant A, Costa FDS, Danovaro-Holliday MC, Lyons C, Yusuf N, Barros AJD, Hosseinpoor AR. Comparison of Wealth-Related Inequality in Tetanus Vaccination Coverage before and during Pregnancy: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of 72 Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Vaccines. 2024 Apr 17;12(4).

Jacobs C, Musukuma M, Hamoonga R, Sikapande B, Chooye O, Wehrmeister FC, Michelo C, Blanchard AK. Trends and Inequalities in Maternal and Newborn Health Services for Unplanned Settlements of Lusaka City, Zambia. J Urban Health. 2024 Mar 8;8(10):024-00837.

Inoue LH, Baccon WC, Pesce GB, Pereira ND, Silva I, Salci MA, Vissoci JRN, Facchini LA, Carreira L. Prevalence and factors associated with the death of older people hospitalized due to Covid-19 in the state of Paraná. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2024 Jan 22;57:e20230036.(doi):10.1590/980-220X-REEUSP-2023-0036en. eCollection 2024.

Houvèssou GM, Farías-Antúnez S, Bertoldi AD, Silveira MFD. Contraindicated use of modern contraceptives among mothers from a Pelotas Birth Cohort. Rev Saude Publica. 2024 Feb 19;58:02.(doi):10.11606/s1518-8787.2024058005585. eCollection 2024.

Horta BL, Coca KP, Desai M, Dias MS, M BJ, Ross MG. Breastfeeding moderates the association of maternal pre-pregnancy nutritional status with offspring body composition at 30 years. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2024 Mar 15;15:1-7.

Hellwig F, Wado Y, Barros AJD. Association between women's empowerment and demand for family planning satisfied among Christians and Muslims in multireligious African countries. BMJ global health. 2024 May 9;9(5).

Hellwig F, Moreira LR, Silveira MF, Vieira CS, Rios-Quituizaca PB, Masabanda M, Serucaca J, Rudasingwa S, Nyandwi A, Mulu S, Rashad H, Barros AJD. Policies for expanding family planning coverage: lessons from five successful countries. Front Public Health. 2024;12:1339725.

Towards a better understanding of real-world home-visiting programs: a large-scale effectiveness study of parenting mechanisms in Brazil. BMJ Glob Health. 2024 Feb 20;9(2):e013787. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-.

Hazel EA, Erchick DJ, Katz J, Lee ACC, Diaz M, Wu LSF, West KP, Jr., Shamim AA, Christian P, Ali H, Baqui AH, Saha SK, Ahmed S, Roy AD, Silveira MF, Buffarini R, Shapiro R, Zash R, Kolsteren P, Lachat C, Huybregts L, Roberfroid D, Zhu Z, Zeng L, Gebreyesus SH, Tesfamariam K, Adu-Afarwuah S, Dewey KG, Gyaase S, Poku-Asante K, Boamah Kaali E, Jack D, Ravilla T, Tielsch J, Taneja S, Chowdhury R, Ashorn P, Maleta K, Ashorn U, Mangani C, Mullany LC, Khatry SK, Ramokolo V, Zembe-Mkabile W, Fawzi WW, Wang D, Schmiegelow C, Minja D, Msemo OA, Lusingu JPA, Smith ER, Masanja H, Mongkolchati A, Keentupthai P, Kakuru A, Kajubi R, Semrau K, Hamer DH, Manasyan A, Pry JM, Chasekwa B, Humphrey J, Black RE. Neonatal mortality risk of vulnerable newborns by fine stratum of gestational age and birthweight for 230679 live births in nine low- and middle-income countries, 2000-2017. Bjog. 2024 Jan 16;16(10):1471-0528.

Gonçalves Pacheco JP, Kieling C, Manfro PH, Menezes AMB, Gonçalves H, Oliveira IO, Wehrmeister FC, Rohde LA, Hoffmann MS. How much or how often? Examining the screening properties of the DSM cross-cutting symptom measure in a youth population-based sample. Psychol Med. 2024 Apr 19:1-12.

Gonçalves H, Soares ALG, Domingues MR, Bertoldi AD, Santos MGD, Silveira MFD, Coll CVN. Why are pregnant women physically inactive? A qualitative study on the beliefs and perceptions about physical activity during pregnancy. Cad Saude Publica. 2024 Jan 8;40(1):e00097323. doi: 10.1590/0102-311XEN097323. eCollection 2024.

Gomes D, Santos LP, Vieira ER, Bertoldi AD, Tomasi E, Demarco FF, Gonzalez MC, Farias-Antunez S, Bielemann RM. Low Physical Performance Could Be Associated with Adverse Health Outcomes over Time: Results from a Cohort of Older Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2024 Mar 9;21(3):319. doi: 10.3390/ijerph21030319.

Gnielka V, Montezano BB, Baldez DP, Shintani AO, Rabelo-da-Ponte FD, Menezes AMB, Wehrmeister FC, Gonçalves H, Kunz M, Kauer-Sant'Anna M, Watts D, Kapczinski F, Passos IC. Perinatal factors as risk factors of bipolar disorder onset in young adulthood: a 22-year birth cohort. Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999). 2024 Feb 12;47626:1516-4446.

French JN, Pua VB, Laboulaye R, Leal TP, Olivas MC, Lima-Costa MF, Horta BL, Barreto ML, Tarazona-Santos E, Mata I, O'Connor TD. Comparing the effect of imputation reference panel composition in four distinct Latin American cohorts. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2024 Apr 15.

Flores-Quispe MDP, Duro SMS, Facchini LA, Barros NBR, Tomasi E. Trends in the quality of child health care in the first week of life in primary care services in Brazil. Cien Saude Colet. 2024 Jan;29(1):e09192022. doi: 10.1590/1413-81232024291.09192022. Epub 2023 Mar 23.

Ferreira LZ, Wehrmeister FC, Dirksen J, Vidaletti LP, Pinilla-Roncancio M, Kirkby K, Ricardo LI, Barros AJ, Hosseinpoor AR. A composite index; socioeconomic deprivation and coverage of reproductive and maternal health interventions. Bull World Health Organ. 2024 Feb 1;102(2):105-16. doi: 10.2471/BLT.23.290866. Epub 2023 Dec 8.

Dilélio AS, Natividade M, Facchini LA, Pereira M, Tomasi E. Structure and process in primary health care for children and spatial distribution of infant mortality. Rev Saude Publica. 2024;58:21.

Costa FS, Silva LAN, Cata-Preta BO, Santos TM, Ferreira LZ, Mengistu T, Hogan DR, Barros AJD, Victora CG. Child immunization status according to number of siblings and birth order in 85 low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024 May

Chisini LA, Vargas-Ferreira F, Demarco GT, Peres KG, Peres MA, Horta BL, Demarco FF. Socioeconomic status in life course is associated with dental appearance dissatisfaction. Braz Oral Res. 2024;38:e051.

Chisini LA, Boeira GF, Corrêa MB, Salas MMS, Maciel FV, Passos D, Gigante D, Opdam N, Demarco FF. Effect of weight satisfaction on adolescent facial and dental satisfaction. European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. 2024 Apr 13;13(10):024-00888.

Chaves ET, Morel LL, Pappen FG, Demarco FF, Santos LGP. Can a dentin bonding agent prevent color change in regenerative endodontic procedures? An in vitro evaluation. Braz Dent J. 2024;35:e245550.

Cathro A, Mendes Felix D, de Andrade Leão OA, Lopez S, Lu Z, Machado PG, Morales D, de Paiva Neto FT, Selzer A, Tang A, Tassitano RM, Marinho Tenório MC, Zhang K, Zhao W, Hallal PC. The Legacy of an All-Around Physical Activity and Health Scientist: Harold W. (Bill) Kohl III. J Phys Act Health. 2024 Mar 8;8:1-2.

Carpena MX, Fraga BB, Martins-Silva T, Salatino-Oliveira A, Genro JP, Polanczyk GV, Zeni C, Schmitz M, Chazan R, Hutz MH, Rohde LA, Tovo-Rodrigues L. Insomnia Polygenic Component on Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder: Exploring this Association Using Genomic Data from Brazilian Families. Sleep science (Sao Paulo, Brazil). 2024 Jun;17(2):e194-e8.

Carpena MX, Barros AJ, Comelli EM, López-Domínguez L, Alves ED, Wendt A, Crochemore-Silva I, Bandsma RH, Santos IS, Matijasevich A, Borges MC, Tovo-Rodrigues L. Accelerometer-based sleep metrics and gut microbiota during adolescence: Association findings from a Brazilian population-based Birth cohort. Sleep Med. 2024 Jan 5;114:203-209.(doi):10.1016/j.sleep.2023.12.028.

Buffarini R, Coll CVN, Esposti MD, Murray J. Unique and shared risk factors for early childhood victimisation and polyvictimisation in a Brazilian population-based birth cohort. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2024 AprMar 13;32:100715.(doi):10.1016/j.lana.2024.100715. eCollection 2024 Apr.

Bohren MA, Iyer A, Barros AJD, Williams CR, Hazfiarini A, Arroyave L, Filippi V, Chamberlain C, Kabakian-Khasholian T, Mayra K, Gill R, Vogel JP, Chou D, George AS, Oladapo OT. Towards a better tomorrow: addressing intersectional gender power relations to eradicate inequities in maternal health. EClinicalMedicine. 2024 Jan

Bergantini LS, Ichisato SMT, Salci MA, Birolim MM, Santos M, Höring CF, Rossa R, Facchini LA. Factors associated with hospitalizations and deaths of pregnant women from Paraná due to COVID-19: a cross-sectional study. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 5;27:e240005.(doi):10.1590/980-549720240005. eCollection 2024.

Bender JD, Facchini LA, Lapão LMV, Tomasi E, Thumé E. Evolution of the availability of Information and Communication Technologies in primary health care in Brazil, 2012 to 2018. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2024;27:e240021.

Bender JD, Facchini LA, Lapão LMV, Tomasi E, Thumé E. The use of Information and Communication Technologies in Primary Health Care in Brazil - the period of 2014 to 2018. Cien Saude Colet. 2024 Jan;29(1):e19882022. doi: 10.1590/1413-81232024291.19882022. Epub 2023 Mar 23.

Bauer A, Martins RC, Hammerton G, Hoffmann MS, Cardoso AS, Colvara C, Hartmann CF, Calegaro G, Perrone LR, Aurélio N, Menezes AMB, Murray J. Adverse childhood experiences and crime outcomes in early adulthood: A multi-method approach in a Brazilian birth cohort. Psychiatry Res. 2024 Feb 19;334:115809.(doi):10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115809.

Antonio Agostini B, Sarkis-Onofre R, Ortiz FR, Correa MB, Peres MA, Peres KG, Santos IS, Matijasevich A, Barros F, Demarco FF. Structural relationships between asthma and dental caries in children: a birth cohort study in Southern Brazil. Caries Res. 2024 Jan 9;9(10):000535953.

Abreu de Carvalho C, Viola P, Magalhães E, Machado SP, Matijasevich A, Menezes AMB, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Santos IS, Goncalves H, Wehrmeister FC, Horta BL, Moura da Silva AA. Association between breast feeding and food consumption according to the degree of processing in Brazil: a cohort study. BMJ Open. 2024 Apr 2;14(4):e083871. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-.

Wendt A, Knuth AG, Nunes BP, de Azevedo MR, Jr., Gonçalves H, Hallal PC, Crochemore-Silva I. Leisure-Time Physical Activity in a Southern Brazilian City (2004-2021): Applying an Equity Lens to Time-Trend Analyses. J Phys Act Health. 2023 Oct 31;31:1-9.

Weber P, Menezes AMB, Gonçalves H, de Oliveira PD, Wendt A, Perez-Padilla R, Wehrmeister FC. Smoking exposure trajectories and pulmonary function in early adulthood in a Brazilian cohort. Pulmonology. 2023 Oct 28;28(23):005.

Volz PM, Dilélio AS, Facchini LA, Quadros LCM, Tomasi E, Kessler M, Wachs LS, Machado KP, Soares MU, Thumé E. . Cad Saude Publica. 2023 Nov 13;39(10):e00248622. doi: 10.1590/0102-311XPT248622. eCollection 2023.

Vidaletti LP, Cata-Preta BO, Phillips DE, Shekhar S, Barros AJD, Victora CG. Time trends in ethnic inequalities in child health and nutrition: analysis of 59 low and middle-income countries. Int J Equity Health. 2023 Apr 28;22(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s12939-023-01888-5.

Vargas PM, Schneider BC, Costa CS, César JA, Bertoldi AD, Tomasi E, Demarco FF, Gonzalez MC, Bielemann RM. Age is the most important factor for change in body mass index and waist circumference in older people in southern Brazil. Nutrition. 2023 May;109:111956.(doi):10.1016/j.nut.2022.111956. Epub 2022 Dec 27.

Tovo-Rodrigues L, Santos IS, Bierhals IO, Del-Ponte B, Murray J, Bielemann R, Munhoz TN, Crochemore-Silva I, de Oliveira IO, Barros FC, Barros AJD, Matijasevich A. Cohort Profile Update: 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study follow-up during adolescent years. Int J Epidemiol. 2023 Nov 9;9(10).

Tornquist L, Tornquist D, Mielke GI, da Silveira MF, Hallal PC, Domingues MR. Maternal Physical Activity Patterns in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort: From Preconception to Postpartum. J Phys Act Health. 2023 Aug 9;9:1-10.

Tillmann TFF, de Camargo MBJ, Cascaes AM, Barros AJD, Santos IS, Corrêa MB, Matijasevich A, D'Ávila O P, Silva AER. Perception of parents and caregivers about the need for dental appointments for adolescents from a Brazilian birth cohort. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2023 Oct 20;20(10):12915.

Stein AD, Adair LS, Donati G, Wray C, Richter LM, Norris SA, Stein A, Martorell R, Ramirez-Zea M, Menezes AMB, Murray J, Victora C, Lee N, Bas I. Early-life stature, preschool cognitive development, schooling attainment, and cognitive functioning in adulthood: a prospective study in four birth cohorts. Lancet Glob Health. 2023 Jan;11(1):e95-e104. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00448-X.

Souza CC, Fernandes MP, Bertoldi AD, Demarco FF, Gonzalez MC, Bielemann RM. [Prevalence of water intake among non-institutionalized elderly individuals in Southern Brazil]. Cien Saude Colet. 2023 Jul;28(7):1903-14. doi: 10.590/413-81232023287.14692022. Epub 2022 Dec 23.

Soares PSM, Leão OAA, Dias MDS, Wehrmeister FC, Menezes AMB, Gonçalves H. Effect of Adolescent Body Mass Index Trajectories on Working Memory: A Prospective Birth Cohort in Brazil. J Atten Disord. 2023 Feb 13;13(10870547231153973):10870547231153973.

Soares CAM, Leão OAA, Freitas MP, Hallal PC, Wagner MB. [Temporal trend of physical activity in Brazilian adolescents: analysis of the Brazilian National Survey of School Health from 2009 to 2019]. Cad Saude Publica. 2023 Nov 13;39(10):e00063423. doi: 10.1590/0102-311XPT063423. eCollection 2023.

Smaira FI, Mazzolani BC, Lemes Í R, da Silva RP, Pinto AJ, Sieczkowska SM, Aikawa NE, Pasoto SG, Medeiros-Ribeiro AC, Saad CGS, Yuk EFN, Silva CA, Swinton P, Kupa LVK, Hallal PC, Roschel H, Gualano B, Bonfa E. No Associations Between Physical Activity and Immunogenicity in SARS-CoV-2 Seropositive Patients With Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases Prior to and After Vaccination. J Phys Act Health. 2023 Jun 8;8:1-4.

Silveira MFD, Buffarini R, Gaspar PC, Machado HM, Bazzo ML, Scherer A, Colusso Á L, Travassos A, Arakaki-Sanchez D, Baia-da-Silva DC, Oliveira EC, Zago IR, Moura MA, Lacerda MVG, Martins SM, Reuter T, Pinto VM, Perini W, Pereira GFM, Miranda AE. Detection of HPV DNA in vaginal samples self-collected by women living with HIV treated through the Brazilian public health system: Prevalence and analysis of risk factors. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2023 Oct 9;56:e02772023.(doi):10.1590/0037-8682-0277-2023. eCollection .

Silva LAN, Nunes BP, Lima JG, Tomasi E, Facchini LA. [Contextual characteristics and demand for health services among Brazilian adolescents: Brazilian National Health Survey, 2019]. Cad Saude Publica. 2023 Dec 11;39(12):e00070223. doi: 10.1590/0102-311XPT070223. eCollection 2023.

Schuch HS, Nascimento GG, Demarco FF, Haag DG. Causal inference in dentistry: Time to move forward. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2023 Feb 7;7(10):12802.

Schuch HS, Cademartori MG, Dias VD, Levandowski ML, Munhoz TN, Hallal PC, Demarco FF. Depression and anxiety among the University community during the Covid-19 pandemic: a study in Southern Brazil. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2023 May 15;95(1):e20220100. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765202320220100. eCollection 2023.

Schenkman S, Bousquat AEM, Facchini LA, Gil CRR, Giovanella L. Performance patterns of primary health care in the face of COVID-19 in Brazil: characteristics and contrasts. Cad Saude Publica. 2023 Sep 15;39(8):e00009123. doi: 10.1590/0102-311XPT009123. eCollection 2023.

Santos TM, Wendt A, Coll CVN, Bohren MA, Barros AJD. E. coli contamination of drinking water sources in rural and urban settings: an analysis of 38 nationally representative household surveys (2014-2021). J Water Health. 2023 Dec;21(12):1834-46. doi: 10.2166/wh.023.174.

Santos IS, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Maruyama JM, Barros AJD, Bierhals I, Del Ponte B, Matijasevich A. Impact of covid-19 pandemic over depressive symptoms among mothers from a population-based birth cohort in southern brazil. Archives of women's mental health. 2023 May 25;25(10):023-01331.

Santos IS, Costa CS, Hills AP, Ariff S, Wickramasinghe VP, Norris S, Murphy-Alford AJ, Slater C, Lucas N, Nyati LH, Kurpad AV, Ahuja KDK, Kuriyan R. Correction: Infant body composition at 6 and 24 months: what are the driving factors? Eur J Clin Nutr. 2023 Dec 1;1(10):023-01346.

Santos IS, Costa CS, Hills AP, Ariff S, Wickramasinghe VP, Norris S, Murphy-Alford AJ, Slater C, Lucas N, Nyati LH, Kurpad AV, Ahuja KDK, Kuriyan R. Infant body composition at 6 and 24 months: what are the driving factors? Eur J Clin Nutr. 2023 Aug 10;10(10):023-01321.

Santos IS, Blumenberg C, Munhoz TN, Matijasevich A, Salum C, Santos Júnior HG, Dos Santos LM, Correia LL, de Souza MR, Lira PIC, Bortolotto CC, Barcelos R, Altafim E, Chicaro MF, Macana EC, da Silva RS. Maternal depression and child development at 3 years of age: a longitudinal study in a Brazilian child development promotion program. Pediatric research. 2023 Nov 11;11(10):023-02876.

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