2015 Cohort

Cohorts are studies also known as longitudinal studies, which are based on the identification of a group of individuals and on their follow-up over a period of time. The term cohort was created for referring to groups of soldiers who marched together in Roman legions during the Roman Empire.

The 2015 cohort is a follow-up study of all children born in the city of Pelotas (RS) between January 1 and December 31, 2015. The study is scheduled in stages to monitor health, physical and cognitive development, and socioeconomic status of the participants throughout the life, from the gestational period.

This is the fourth generation to be followed up under the Pelotas Birth Cohort Program – the largest study of its kind in Latin America and one of the largest in the world. The first cohort covers all those born in 1982 in Pelotas (5,914 people), the second involves all those born in 1993 (5,249 people), and the third cohort, all born in the city in 2004 (4,231 people).

The 2015 cohort is the first to start monitoring from the gestational period. This is because the previous cohorts point to the impact of the factors during gestation and the first years of life on health from childhood to adulthood. Among these factors, there are a series of biological, socioeconomic and health assistance characteristics evaluated at each stage of the study.

Carrying out periodical exams and interviews with the same people from four generations at different stages of the lifecycle provides a singular opportunity to advance knowledge about the determinants of health during life. More than the identification of health risk factors, the results point to prevention and treatment strategies.

These strategies are at the basis of public policies adopted in Brazil and in the world in areas such as breastfeeding, prevention of maternal and infant mortality, mother and child nutrition, physical activity, prevention of chronic diseases and human capital development, contributing to improve adult and child health in more than 190 countries related to the World Health Organization.

Each of the babies born in 2015 in Pelotas has a very important role so that the results of the 2015 cohort are representative of their generation.

With thirty years of research, the Pelotas Birth Cohort Program has already helped to reverse some of the country’s major health problems.

When the first cohort began in 1982, malnutrition was the leading cause of infant mortality. The child mortality rate was very high. 36 children in a thousand died.

Government and health-related institutions undertook a series of actions designed on the basis of the research evidence to promote breastfeeding, prevent infant dehydration, and improve health care for the newborn.

The 2004 Cohort shows the positive results. Between 1982 and 2004, the average duration of breastfeeding jumped from three to seven months. Since then, child mortality rate has fallen by almost half, from 36 per thousand in 1982 to 19 per thousand in 2004.

Although great progress has been achieved, the Pelotas Birth Cohorts also reveal new public health challenges, such as premature births, cesarean births and childhood obesity.

The 2015 Cohort is a singular opportunity to assess the distribution and causes of major public health problems, pointing to new prevention and treatment strategies. With the beginning of the follow-up in the gestational phase, the new cohort will boost knowledge about the impact of the inherent factors during pregnancy and the first years of life on the development of the baby’s health, with effects on the quality of life from childhood to old age.

More than answering to interviews during pregnancy and soon after the baby’s birth, the mothers of the children in the 2015 cohort have given their addresses and opened their home door for researchers to monitor their children development. All the time spent by mothers and children themselves, and all the work that researchers do to keep tracking of thousands of families, is rewarded for producing results that improve the health of adults and children around the world.

Scientific Community

The cohort of children born in Pelotas in 2015 is the fourth generation under study in the largest longitudinal research in Latin America, the Pelotas Birth Cohort Program.

With an eleven-year interval between the cohorts, the 2015 cohort was planned to continue collecting information compatible with that obtained from the three previous cohorts, and to expand upon these by also addressing the gestational period.

The initial phases of the study are to deepen the scientific knowledge on the impact of maternal life, intrauterine environment and first years of life on newborn health.

Scheduled in waves, the 2015 cohort reaches the children’s second year of life with the accomplishment of the previous follow-ups:

Pre-natal: Teams of interviewers have made daily visits to the places of possible inflow of pregnant women in Pelotas, in order to identify the ones with childbirth expected by 2015. Among these places were clinical analysis laboratories, ultrasound clinics, polyclinics, and basic health units, outpatient clinics in hospitals and universities, and private medical offices. The study includes interviews with pregnant women, varying the type of questionnaire according to gestational age. If the pregnant woman has been contacted before the 16th week of gestation, the initial contact questionnaire was applied and a new interview was scheduled for the window at the 20th week of gestation. If the first contact has occurred after the 16th week, the questionnaires corresponding to the two encounters were applied in a single interview. The focus was to obtain a series of data on prenatal care and life habits and evaluation of the oral health of pregnant women (see Prenatal Questionnaires tab).

Perinatal: From January 1 to December 31, 2015, the four hospitals in the city of Pelotas were monitored daily and each birth was informed to the research team. All newborns with at least 500 g or 20 weeks of gestational age were considered eligible for the perinatal study. Mothers were interviewed a few hours after delivery and newborns were evaluated by the research team using a protocol similar to that used in previous cohorts. Some information was also collected in the medical records of mothers and newborns, regarding medications used during admission to labor (see the Perinatal Questionnaire section).

3 months: From April 2015 to March 2016, at three months of age of the cohort participants, all the children and their mothers were visited at home to evaluate neonatal and early childhood events (breastfeeding, morbidity, mortality, among others) and to collect anthropometric measures such as weight, length and cephalic, thoracic and abdominal perimeters. Maternal anthropometric measures and data on physical activity were also collected (see Three Months Questionnaire tab).

1 year: At the one year follow-up, the mother or caretaker was interviewed and the child examined at home. Information was collected on socio-economic and demographic characteristics, health care utilization, feeding practices, lifestyles and child growth, development and morbidity since birth. Separate questionnaires on maternal health and exams on child development were also administered.

2 years: When children are about to turn two years old, all mothers are contacted by telephone to schedule the follow-up visit. For the first time, the series of interviews and exams is being held at the headquarters of the Center of Epidemiological Research. Children undergo a battery of exams such as anthropometric tests, saliva collection, and psychomotor and cognitive development assessment. Mothers are interviewed on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, health care utilization, feeding practices, dietary habits, physical activity frequency, lifestyles and mental health. At the end of the visit, accelerometers are placed on the participants’ wrist to be kept with children for 4 days and with mothers for 8 days.

48 Months - Twins

48 Months

24 Months - Twins

24 Months

12 Months

3 Months

3 Months - Twins


Perinatal - Twins

Prenatal - Window

Prenatal - First Contact

Prenatal - Complete